The maximum intensity of the light
The maximum intensity of the light should be such that it completely illuminates the bathroom well. . The intensity should be set taking into consideration the mood as well. The lighting emanating from such bulbs resembles the sun and is very bright and warm.Task lighting focuses on specific task areas. So consider all these facors before considering the intensity. If you are looking for a light to help you when you are putting on makeup, avoid using recessed lights. Try amplifying the image of your face by using a concave mirror so that you are completely sure of what you see and do. Thus, select lights that have a particular intensity and then use a dimmer to lower its intensity.
LED Slim Flood Light brightening the area with too many lights. On the other hand, if you are looking for a lighting option for your bathtub or shower, then recessed lights might be a good option as they give a very soothing effect and makes you feel good while you are having a bath! Be sure that you do not install your light bulbs in places where they can easily get wet. The recessed lights are known to cast shadows on your face so you are not going to be able to clearly see your image on the mirror when you are doing your hair or putting on makeup. For this, try using neodymium bulbs, which are excellent for vanity fixtures.
The lighting around the mirror should be such that you should be able to control the light emanating from them. If that is not possible, consider using halogen light bulbs which might serve the purpose. Avoid installing lights near the sink or wash basin. Lighting is an important part of home dcor and everyday life in general so make sure you carefully plan your lighting, especially in the bathroom.
Thus, you need to make sure there is adequate lighting in these areas. That is, they should have dimmer buttons to control the light intensity. You might also think of using light bulbs that have a slight tint. In the bathroom, the task areas are the sink, cabinets, and vanity. You can install task lighting above your vanity mirror or on either side. For example, in the kitchen, the task areas are the stove area, sink, and the counter top where you do your meal preparations.